sq wcd guest feature

Integrity in Wing Chun, Training & Teaching – EP7 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast w/ Larry London

wcd guest feature

Episode 7 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast

Larry takes us through his experience Learning Wing Chun under the legends Augustine Fong and Jack Ling. He shares with us his perspective of today’s Wing Chun practitioners as well as his distaste for online Wing Chun training programs. Larry emphasizes integrity in training and in teaching, preserving the art with new generations.

Episode 7 Highlights:
Training with the legends
Preserving the art with future inheritors
Opinion of online Wing Chun training

Wing Chun If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel! And don’t forget to watch the full episode #7 of Wing Chun Discussion Podcast with Larry London.

Website: http://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Facebook: www.facebook.com/londons.wingchun

About the author: WCD Staff
My passion is martial arts, especially Wing Chun and other style of Kung Fu. Been practicing for 10 years, and still have much to learn!

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